Friday, May 21, 2010

The blog I almost couldn't write

Ok, I confess... I forgot my gmail address. I'm officially an old person. I had this thought to blog about my workspace attacking me (maybe another time) and I went to log on a couple nights ago, with the bruises to prove it. I went to the website and tried to log in. Coulda swore I used something related to Dudsterspot or close to that. Nope! I gave up. Shoulders slumped, went to bed. Grrrr. Not to be fooled, I tried again, this time armed with a few more ideas that managed to squeak their way out of my rusty brain. Nuthin!
Well, tonight, ahh, tonight I got serious, I went to the help page and they sent my username to my back up email and... Voila! Here I am. Of course, now I have nothing to say except that technology hasn't kicked my butt yet. It gave it a good try, but you have to get up pretty early to fool the Dudster. Nice try gmail, I'm WAY more resilient than that, I shall prevail!
For a future blog I may discuss my rather annoying work space that, although it's not capable of thinking and planning, I'm convinced it's out to get me. That's a teaser. Until next time... I will be writing down my username and password, no worries.

Dudster is out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Now you sound like me trying to access my Yahoo Sports account. Hahah, LOVE IT!
