Monday, August 23, 2010

My era

Hello bloggers,

This morning I pulled into my favorite Dutch Bros. Oh yeah, I'm cool like that, it's Bros, not Brothers. Anyway, the 2 young girls in there know me, they knew my drink right away... they are quite young and cute and I like them. When I pulled up they said "We are listening to 90's on Ninety! It's so awesome!!!!" Immediately, my, very coffee lacking brain said "Oh dear, the 90's represented a LOT of baby barf and poop... think, Annie, think, what bands played then... About then, the cute blonde one said "I am soooo glad that we had the "Backstreet Boys" and not Justin Bieber. My muddled brain says, "Oh yes Bieber is a boob!" Beyond that, I got nuthin!

Brain sputtering into function... "oh yes", I say. A bit audibly over the motor of my car... as I still am randomly accessing the very far recesses of my brain... the other very cute girl says, "I absolutely worshipped The Backstreet Boys, I loved them!" I nod a bit, still reeling from the first comment. Then the inevitable happens... "Who did you worship?" ... Pregnant pause... well, if you were to "google" when I was a teen, you would see Shawn Cassidy and Leif Garrett and some others. But, for me... I was not your average teen. I actually was quite enamored with Sly Stallone as Rocky for one, but when asked this morning I told the ladies that I wasn't the normal teen and actually loved sports figures and told them Magic Johnson. This was a true statement. I had posters of him on my wall. I also had running posters of Mary Slaney. I wasn't your normal teen-aged girl.

I wasn't a normal girl, but chose to follow Jesus at the age of 17 and can look back on that time in my life and thank God for His perfect timing. With posters of '80's lakers and Rocky Balboa on my bedroom walls, God chose to call me to Him. Thank you Jesus. I look back on that time fondly. Dutch Bros girls... my music might not have been as cool as yours, but I am so happy about that perfect timing in my life. Jesus chose me then. Thank you Lord.


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