Friday, July 16, 2010

Growing old gracefully

I'm back! I have been a bit remiss in that I haven't blogged in a while. I had thoughts to here and there but lacked motivation. I shall talk today about a recent run I had. Oh yes, I'm officially among the "runners" again. I'm still a bit limited, but I can leave my house and do an entire loop now without having to stop as ordered by my physical therapist.
So, the first time I ventured onto my 4 mile loop, which my boys love to tell me is really only 3 and a half or so. Whatever! I am chugging along and stop to stretch my calf; this is what I tell myself, but in actuality the lack of running has made my need for oxygen a bit more of an urgency than it used to be. So, while I'm, oh let's call it "gasp stretching". Yes, while I'm gasp stretching I see something out of the corner of my eye. It's a jogger coming up behind me. Immediately I think "Oh, heck to the no!" I take off running and can't tell if he's gaining on me or not. I get to a light, crud, it's red! As I press the button, I casually glance around and he's right there, dang you jogger boy! We both take off when the light turns green and I'm ahead of him. Once I round the corner onto Titan, so does he and my lungs are trying to get me to stop and gasp stretch, but my Seabiscuit brain is yelling at me, perhaps even whipping me with a riding crop... But I digress, so then we're at my street and I'm like, "no freaking way!" Turns out he lives 2 houses down from me. He started walking WAY before I did, so technically I won. Odds are he has no idea we were racing, but a win is a win.
What is that saying... Victory before the.... swallow! Oh, yeah, I'm gasp stretching in my driveway and a bug flies down my throat. Not all the way down, just to the, oh I'm not a Dr. let's call it the chokey part! I start violently coughing and gagging to the point where my son opens the front door and asks if I'm all right. I'm sure loser jogger boy is still telling everyone about the crazy old lady who ran so hard to beat him that she started vomiting when she got to her house. Whatever jogger boy, you tell your version and I'll tell mine... I'm pretty sure we all know who won and it wasn't the bug.
So there you have it, I blogged again, I'm running again. All is well.


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